Seth Godin speaks the truth to Columbia Records

The video about whats wrong with the biz and what needs to be done is what’s taking up most of my mindshare today. Well worth the time for anyone involved in the entertainment biz.

Update: Seth took the video down due to quality issues, but since the content is so remarkable, I have it mirrored here locally:

Update: video is down, but here’s a transcript of what he said.

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Jammer genoeg loopt de video vast op 8:25.


it’s been taken down. i saw a bunch of it, especially enjoyed the part about making people “pay” attention via marketing when no one wants to “pay” for anything.

i went searching for it after a different link i saw to it on was taken down. you’re the #2 result on google too, just behind them.


Jammer genoeg loopt de video vast op 8:25.

[…] pindakaas.. Uodate door Lykle, 23/04/08: Hier kun je m toch nog kijken! Social bookmarks: Tagged as: godin […]


it’s been taken down. i saw a bunch of it, especially enjoyed the part about making people “pay” attention via marketing when no one wants to “pay” for anything.

i went searching for it after a different link i saw to it on was taken down. you’re the #2 result on google too, just behind them.